Deeply-rooted emotions and traumas can and do trigger your body's physical functions.
If your subconscious is trying to protect you, no diet or fitness plan can be successful.
Your subconscious mind controls 95% of what you do and think. It can often sabotage what your conscious mind is trying to accomplish. Limiting beliefs, old fears, negative thought patterns, unresolved trauma, and subconscious imagery are just a few of the ways your subconscious can wreak havoc on your physical body.
Each person's energy is unique. There is no 1 size fits all for a healthy body.
If you have been struggling to take control of your health it may be time to discover what subconscious blocks may be stopping you.
- Is your subconscious storing fat tissue to protect you, hide you, insulating you from something or someone?
- Is your adipose tissue (body fat) imbalanced due to the vibrations of old traumas?
- Is an old trauma signaling your body to make you bigger to avoid attention?
Are you tired of struggling?
We will identify and release emotional and energetic blocks that are interfering with achieving your goals.
We will provide a written summary of all findings and releases.