Plz inbox us before placing any order so that we can discuss your needs.
Our team of social media & advertising experts can create highly targeted audiences for your business
Why Youtube video ads campaign is a great choice for you?
YouTube being the second largest search engine with more than 60 billion hours worth of video views per month. YT ads generated more traffic than FB ads for pretty similar ads spent
It's cost per view is lower than Facebook ads, It only counts views where people watched more than 30 seconds, while on Facebook that number is 3 seconds and also have higher CTR and low competition, which adds to their advantages over FB ads
▶What I provide◀
•Skip-able ads with call to action for products & business
•Audience targeting & Keyword research
•Ad Optimization for best possible Cost per View
•Video to be found higher in the search results
•Ads to increase your brand awareness
•Drive More traffic on your landing page
•Conversion tracking set up(extra gig)
Note: You must pay your ad cost. Add your payment detail on your google Ads account and provide me with your 10 digits of ad account
We will set up ONE Highly Targeted YouTube Ad campaign after research
We will setup ONE Highly targeted ad after research and manage for 4 days
We will setup Highly targeted ads after research and manage for 7 days
Contact us for more information!